Monday, September 27, 2010

future plans

when I grow up I want to be a
and buyer girl

I want to play
and run track


Kayla is my favorite sister and I wish she lived with me.

when I grow up...

For my wedding I want my colors to be green, purple, blue, white and pink.
I want to marry Shayden Sullivan so my name will change to Kali Sullivan.
I want to marry Shayden because I like him and he is my best friend.
I want a vanilla cake.
I want to get married in the Salt Lake Temple.


Kaiya is one of my best friends and I had not seen her for 8 months. We finally got to play again and I loved it!!

google it

When ever I have question that my mom does not know the answer to we google it.
While we went on a nature walk today we found animal footprints in the ground and I wanted to know what a bears footprint looked like:
also on our walk I heard a woodpecker and wanted to know what they ate, I found out they eat insects, seeds, fruits berries and nuts.

I have also wondered about tornadoes and where they happen. So we found this map that shows the states in red where tornadoes have hit.

We also found this write up about them: Tornadoes can take place anywhere, but the majority occur in the middle of the United States. Cold and warm fronts meet each other, coming from the mountains, deserts, and Caribbean Sea. "Tornado Alley" is the area in which most tornadoes hit, which include the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois! The spring season is a very popular time for tornadoes to happen!